Turning off Full Screen toolbar in LibreOffice Writer

That little bugger toolbar is annoying if you already know how to exit Full Screen mode.  (Default is [Ctrl+Shift+J] or simply [Escape])

Annoying little bugger in LibreOffice Writer

It can be turned off by editing registrymodifications.xcu file in user profile directory.  Searching for fullscreenbar and looking for one with property Visible and changing its value to false.  If there is no such item, then simply insert the following line in, before last line or after second line, if you don't understand XML file.
<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.UI.WriterWindowState/UIElements/States/org.openoffice.Office.UI.WindowState:WindowStateType['private:resource/toolbar/fullscreenbar']"><prop oor:name="Visible" oor:op="fuse"><value>false</value></prop></item>
There is no options to switch it off with the toolbar UI as you can see the down-arrow drop-down menu provides zero options in the screenshot above.

After one or two years using Google Docs and Spreadsheets, I've finally decided to install LibreOffice again.  The web office suite is pure resource waster, you have to have good CPU power and memory to run it smoothly while you can have felt zero-latency with native office suite on a 10-year-old computer with more complete features, also known as lots of stuff you don't need, but still running faster and more efficient than web office suites.  Bloating has different meaning in such unique case.

I've only switched back for about one day, quite a few things have changed, I discover the Full Screen mode is quite useful as a distraction-free view.  There is nothing but the page and scrollbar and horizontal ruler (if you haven't switch it off).  I don't click on toolbar buttons often, I mostly use keyboard shortcuts, but still times that I need them, with Full Screen, I could switch back as I need.

I also set up multiple user profiles for my needs, you could have different environment settings if that's how you want to work.

Before I searched for a solution for that XML edit, I was looking all over the options, but couldn't find it.  I ended up moving it to almost top-right corner, you couldn't put it right on that corner, or it would become a docked toolbar.

Now, finally, it's so clean, just the page and me writing on it.


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